So, April 30th marked the birth of Blooming Cakes. When a new, exciting venture began, after I'd gone through what seemed like hundreds of invented business names, “Blooming Cakes” was eventually born.
Never did I think that a year later I’d have a successful, growing business of my own, I sometimes have to pinch myself to believe it is true.
I didn’t set out to become a baker and cake decorator, it just kind of evolved after deciding to make my daughter Caitlin’s 18th birthday cake during the beginning of the first Covid lockdown.
I feel I’ve come such a long way since then. I cringe when I look at photo's of that 18th cake! Over the last year, not only has (as my friend puts it!) “caking” been my therapy throughout a particularly difficult personal year, it’s also enabled my creative side to emerge again, something I didn't realise how much I'd missed over the last 5 years or so.
I feel so lucky to be doing something I truly love and to share that with others, to see and hear about how much they have enjoyed something I have created, well there’s no feeling quite like that. The early starts, the late late nights, even the mess to clear up at the end of the day.... well it's more than worth it when I receive the feedback I have had so far.
I think this sentiment sums it up perfectly for me....
“Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life”
I’d like to thank all my customers for helping me on this ‘caking’ journey. I really do appreciate every comment, every minute spent writing a review, every smile when the door opens and I hand over my creations. Thank you all so much.
Here’s to another successful year!
Jo x